While the year brought its fare share of bad news stories — some energy related, like the Lac Megantic oil train derailment — one review highlights some good news developments. In their ThinkProgress article, "13 Major Clean Energy Breakthroughs Of 2013" Kiley Kroh and Jeff Spross describe significant advances in alternative energy production.
They are:
1. Using salt to keep producing solar power even when the sun goes down.
2. Electric vehicle batteries that can also power buildings.
3. The next generation of wind turbines
4. Solar electricity hits grid parity with coal.
5. Advancing renewable energy from ocean waves.
6. Harnessing ocean waves to produce fresh water.
7. Ultra-thin solar cells that break efficiency records.
8. Batteries that are safer, lighter, and store more power.
9. New age offshore wind turbines that float.
10. Cutting electricity bills with direct current power.
11. Commercial production of clean energy from plant waste-
12. Innovative financing bringing clean energy to more people.
13. Wind power is now competitive with fossil fuels.
Read the full article and get the details at http://thinkprogress.org/climate/2013/12/18/3060131/13-clean-energy-breakthroughs-2013-2/
They are:

2. Electric vehicle batteries that can also power buildings.
3. The next generation of wind turbines
4. Solar electricity hits grid parity with coal.
5. Advancing renewable energy from ocean waves.
6. Harnessing ocean waves to produce fresh water.
7. Ultra-thin solar cells that break efficiency records.
8. Batteries that are safer, lighter, and store more power.
9. New age offshore wind turbines that float.
10. Cutting electricity bills with direct current power.
11. Commercial production of clean energy from plant waste-
12. Innovative financing bringing clean energy to more people.
13. Wind power is now competitive with fossil fuels.
Read the full article and get the details at http://thinkprogress.org/climate/2013/12/18/3060131/13-clean-energy-breakthroughs-2013-2/