The Wind Empowerment 2014 conference (3-7 Nov.) has just ended in Athens. Their video below shows how this technically challenging resource can be harnessed on a community scale, by people who need it most and have the will to make it work.
WindEmpowerment is an association for the development of locally built small wind turbines for sustainable rural electrification.
The keynote speaker was Hugh Piggott, who has built wind turbines on Scoraig island in Scotland, a process that started in the 1970s. He is the author of A Wind Turbine Recipe Book which may be the standard work on the topic. Events included demos, technical sessions and a presentation by Michel Bauwens, (P2P Foundation) on commons-oriented infrastructures.
Participants also visited 'small' wind installations in Marathonas, the site of the battle of Marathon in 490 BC – synonymous with success in the face of overwhelming opposition.
WindEmpowerment is an association for the development of locally built small wind turbines for sustainable rural electrification.
The keynote speaker was Hugh Piggott, who has built wind turbines on Scoraig island in Scotland, a process that started in the 1970s. He is the author of A Wind Turbine Recipe Book which may be the standard work on the topic. Events included demos, technical sessions and a presentation by Michel Bauwens, (P2P Foundation) on commons-oriented infrastructures.
Participants also visited 'small' wind installations in Marathonas, the site of the battle of Marathon in 490 BC – synonymous with success in the face of overwhelming opposition.
by Daniel B. O'Leary, Montreal